Sustainable design
Sustainability means user comfort
Sustainability is also being applied to the energy aspects (limitation of energy needs on site, use of renewable energies, and optimisation of the efficiency of the installations), mobility (accessibility by public transport and soft mobility), and the circular economy.
In addition to the reuse of existing materials and the exploitation of materials not reused on site, the project
gives pride of place to the use of sustainable and low-pollution materials. Most of the new materials used will be certified Cradle to Cradle (C2C) or equivalent: glazing and aluminium window frames, load-bearing structures for the floor and new floors, as well as partitions, plastering and floor coverings.
The ZIN project has won the 2019 be.exemplary award in the category “Large Private Projects”. be.exemplary’s purpose is to encourage and reward exemplary construction and renovation projects in terms of sustainable urban development. More info can be found on the website of be.exemplary.